Directed by Gavin Thomas Drew
Music Directed by Mindy Cox
Conducted by Dr. Kevin McMahon
Assistant Directed by Claire Replogle
Directed by Chapman Shields
Assistant Directed by Katie White
Music Directed by Rolin Mains
Directed by Dakota Norman
Written by Dakota Norman
& Gavin Thomas Drew
Directed by Gavin Thomas Drew
Music Directed by Mindy Cox
Directed by Gavin Thomas Drew
Music Directed by Mindy Cox
Conducted by Dr. Kevin McMahon
Assistant Directed by Claire Replogle
Starring Elvie Ellis and Melissa Terhune
Directed by Gavin Thomas Drew
Music Directed by Rolin Mains
Directed by Gavin Thomas Drew
Music Directed by Mindy Cox
Directed by Gavin Thomas Drew
Assistant Directed by Bella Hadley
Music Directed by Rolin Mains
Directed by Reuben Albaugh
Music Directed by Mindy Cox
Directed by Chris Spalding
Music Directed by Mindy Cox and
Melissa Baughman
Directed by Reuben Albaugh
Music Directed by Mindy Cox
Directed by Shelby Lewis
Music Directed by Mindy Cox
Directed by Chris Spalding
Music Directed by Mindy Cox and
Melissa Baughman
Copyright © 2024 Summit City Music Theatre - All Rights Reserved.